Taki Govt. College

Taki Government College

Accredited by NAAC with Grade B+(CGPA 2.73)
since 30th January 2025

Affiliated to West Bengal State University (WBSU)

Comments from visitors

Dr. Subrata Dasgupta, Retired Scientific Officer (SH+), VECC – Kolkata
Invited Lecture on :13.02.2019 on Global Warming & Climate Change
"The principal and a number of other teaching staff took immense interest in the subject. They arranged an impressive number of students to be present to attend the talk. The subject and the speaker were introduced nicely to the students. Some students also interacted with the speaker about the subject and about future duties of theirs."

Dr. Priyatosh Dutta, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Ananda Mohan College – Kolkata
Invited Lecture on :01.03.2019
"The talk turned out to be beyond a mere routine talk and happened to be a truly interactive discussion. Credit goes to the HoD, Chemistry (a subject specialist) and of course the enthusiastic and curious students. Participation of the Principal sir too added to its colour of the event. Hospitality of the Department and the college is worth remembering and heart felt."

Prof. Birendra Nath Das, Former Reader in Physics, Vivekananda College – Kolkata
Invited Lecture on :30.08.2019 about INVESTIGATIVE HANDS ON SCIENCE LEARNING
"The experience at the Taki Govt. College during the Program was excellent. Students participated actively and got excited in the approach they demanded that the program should be repeated as frequently as possible to develop their concept and problem solving ability. The program was appreciated very much by the teachers."

Dr. Gautam Basu, Bose Institute – Kolkata
Invited Seminar on : 02.12.2019
“The lecture was on Intellectual Property Rights and meant for broad-audience. I got surprised to see intense interest of the audience comprising of UG and PG students and teachers from all disciplines. The lecture was very lively with students’ active participation in the question and answer session. Afterwards, I interacted with faculties and the Principal and got impressed to see the enthusiasm of teachers and about the infrastructure that has been built over time with the impressive lecture theatre. I wish success to Taki Government College in their future endeavours.”

Dr. Adriana Elena Stoican, Bucharest University – Romania
Invited Lecture on : 10.02.2020
“I was very impressed with the receptive audience and the hospitality of the teaching staff. I appreciate their willingness to receive foreign guests and listen to European perspectives and interpretations on Indian culture. I really hope we can continue our cooperation in the future, organizing academic events in our countries.”

Dr. Daniela Radler, Bucharest University – Romania
Invited Lecture on : 10.02.2020
“It is an honor for me to visit India for the first time and to engage with colleagues and students from Taki College. I have noted interest, willingness to understand the connections between India and Romania. In addition to presenting our papers, we had the opportunity to interact and to stimulate students to work further. Special thanks to all committees and staff engaged in this event.”

Dr. Madhuparna Dutta, New Alipore College – Kolkata
Academic Exchange Program (Students’ Visit) on : 28.02.2020
“The Political Science Dept. of New Alipore College visited Taki Govt College with 24 students and 5 faculty members. India - Bangladesh relationship being an integral part of the CU syllabus (4th Semester), the idea was to give students first-hand exposure to the Bangladesh border alongside river Ichhamati at Taki so as to explore the bonhomie one finds between the two countries during the Durga Puja festivities. The visit was very enriching for the entire team with an illuminating lecture by Prof. Kinshuk Nandi (Taki Govt College) emphasizing the rich cultural relationship between the two countries. The students could also watch a documentary presentation by Dr. Biplab Chattopadhyay, Principal, Taki Govt College. It was an incredible experience, and the hospitality extended by the college authorities was par excellence. We remain obliged to the Taki Govt College administration and the entire Political Science faculty of the college for making our trip a huge success, and we look forward to nurturing this relationship in future.”

Dr. Neera Sen Sarkar, Kalyani University – West Bengal
Invited Lecture on : 02.03.2020
“Lecture was on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and was arranged by the IPR Cell, Taki Govt. College. It was a pleasure to talk to the faculty members and students of Taki Government College. I congratulate the organizers for having chosen a topic which is so important in the present times to be delivered. It was a very good experience for me also.”

Dr. Basabi Chakraborty, Rabindra Bharati University – Kolkata
Invited Lecture on :06.03.2020
“A bit far from the City of Kolkata, the Taki Government College is located in a serene and tranquil abundance. The social atmosphere in the College has been full of warmth and heartiness. I have come to deliver lecture about the Lawful Rights of Women. I have been feeling truly good owing to my interactions with the responsive students of the College. To cast in a whole, I had wonderful experience with Taki Government College, specially cherishing for a social-theorist.”

Dr. Subodh Sarkar, City College (North) – Kolkata
Invited Lecture on :06.03.2020 (Organised by College ICC & WDC)
"The Campus is excellent. The students, those who attended the seminar, are very good and disciplined. The Principal and the Teachers seem to have been very careful about the reputation of the College."